Big Worth Energy
Do you ever wonder what your 8 year old self would think about your life if they could see you now?
I came across this old photo of me a few weeks ago. Looking at that chubby little face, I can still remember so keenly how I could not WAIT to grow up. And being in Florida, on that beach trip back in 1987…it only made a deeper groove of longing for adulthood. I was gonna grow up to live a glamorous, fast-paced, exciting life full of convertibles, high heels, leather miniskirts and bustiers, penthouse apartments in high-rises on the beach, and date the kind of handsome boyfriends who wore a lot of tuxedos.
If that little girl met me right now and took a look around at my life, I can tell you for sure that she would NOT be impressed. "THIS is what I suffered through childhood for?" I imagined she'd say. "THIS is the best it gets?!!"
How many of us are living lives that look NOTHING like the lives we thought we would be leading by now, back when we were younger? And obviously, goals change - I no longer wanna be a soap opera actress on The Young & The Restless, for instance - but when it comes to the kind of life I dreamed about getting to live, the *level* of living I was so sure I would rise to... Don't you ever feel like you pretty much majorly let your younger self down?
I mean, I know I do.
Which would honestly be majorly depressing, if I also didn’t know what to do about it.
But I do. I know all about it. I've been studying and reading and taking notes on it for the past 10 years. I just haven’t put it all to work yet.
But that’s where this lil’ space on the internet is going to come in.
And I’m going to make ALL of that little girl’s dreams come true.
(…even the part about the leather miniskirts)
Stay tuned...