Weekly Update: Weeks 1-3 // Pathway
Hellooooooo from the other side!
Yes, I know that’s not the lyrics to this song, but just go with it, mmmkay?
Today is Day 21 of the Big Worth Energy project, which means I’ve officially been doing this work for three weeks!
And since this is the first weekly update, that means I’ve got three whole weeks of stuff to catch you up on! Aren’t you excited?!
My intention was to send out a weekly update every…well, week. The truth is, I’ve been focusing so hard on keeping up with the daily work and writing + sending out the daily updates for the Super Secret Members-Only Club (SSMOC) that taking time out to write a massive weekly update post felt a bit too overwhelming. Also, by the time the first week anniversary had rolled around, I had already done, processed, and shared so much with the SSMOC that it felt even more overwhelming to try and sum up everything into one tidy post. Turns out that I was right when I predicted that the stuff shared in the SSMOC would go super deep…after only a week or two, the members of the SSMOC already knew me better than literally anyone else in the world.
But, finally, here’s a rundown of what the first three weeks of Big Worth Energy has looked like:
After publishing the intro post for this project, I locked right into doing Lacy Phillips’ program The Pathway every single day, jumping into the workshop Unblocked Inner Child. For the uninitiated, Pathway workshops primarily consist of journal questions and a guided hypnotic mediation that focuses on deep-seated memories and subconscious beliefs related to a certain topic. Unblocked Inner Child is all about your childhood and adolescence. I’ve done this workshop before, but sort of glossed my way through it…I don’t love going through memories of my childhood, and any stuff about the “inner child” usually gives me the heebie-jeebies. I didn’t like being a kid when I was a kid: All I wanted to do was grow up and be an adult and have power over my life and decisions and choices, so continually going back to that place where I felt small, powerless, misunderstood and unprotected is really agitating for me.
Which turns out, is kind of the point! The guided meditations are called “Deep Imaginings” (DI’s) in the Pathway lexicon, and the ones where you experience the most agitation - i.e, the ones that bring up the most uncomfortable memories, scenarios, or feelings - are often the ones where you need the most reprogramming. Which means that you need to keep doing them over and over again, replacing/reimagining those agitating memories or feelings with scenarios where you get exactly what you needed in those moments so that you can basically remap those neuropathways in your brain. You know you’ve been successful with reprogramming when, instead of feeling agitated, you feel quite the opposite - a sense of relief or release.
While it was literally the opposite of fun, I made a commitment to really jump into this workshop and give it my all. I answered every single journal question (even though I HATE answering journal or workbook questions) and did every single DI. Some of it was cool, like when you’d start to literally feel a warm or soothing sensation in your body. Some of it was really frustrating and annoying, and those were the times when I would make a mark and acknowledge that I was probably going to have to do that DI over and over again until it wasn’t frustrating and annoying…which made it even MORE frustrating and annoying!
But I made it through, and right now I’m currently focusing on reprogramming the DI’s that caused me the most agitation. I’ve successfully reprogrammed one agitating one already, and working on the second one. But, the bad news is that, even when I’m done reprogramming the agitating DI’s, it doesn’t mean I’m done with the workshop forever. According to literally everyone who’s interacted with the Pathway and had some success with it, it’s a good idea to go back and do Unblocked Inner Child about every three months. So even after I’m able to move onto other, more exciting workshops, I’ll still have to revisit Inner Child from time to time. The work, as they say, is never truly done. Which blows! I love being 100% completely done with work!
Howeva: Since I’m currently working on repeating and reprograming the agitating DI’s from Inner Child, that frees up a lot of time that was usually spent on the journal questions. Since Phillips recommends that you repeat those DI’s at least 6-7 times, that means I have a few more weeks before I move onto another workshop. But that’s also the perfect opportunity to catch up some of the intro stuff I skipped over in the interest of jumping right into the first workshop at the start of this project. I’ll be talking more about that more in a later post, but I’m excited to add that into my daily regimen, even if only to mix it up.
Check out the next post for the rest of the weekly update per the work I’ve been doing with the We Should All Be Millionaires Club and Noom. If you’d like to become a member of the Big Worth Energy Super Secret Members-Only Club - where you get daily updates filled with way more deep and intimate details of this work - you can do so here!
That’s it for now! See you at the next post!
Your friend, etc.